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Mike pouring a latte

About us

Junior's Roasted Coffee is small, but mighty. We're a little roasting operation based inside our sister company, Guilder, in Portland, Oregon. We seek out exquisite coffees, roast them in small batches, and cup each batch to ensure the quality meets our standards. Then we share the results with you. 

Just because we're small doesn't mean we don't push boundaries. We seek to source coffees in a way that challenges the industry standard. Whenever sourcing a new coffee, we examine the supply chain, and do our best to explore the cost it actually took to produce the coffee. Our goal is to ensure that the farmer is receiving a profit on their coffee, even if that means going back to pay more for the product. 

This isn't about feeling good, it's about smart business, both for us and the producer.



Our values are more than some nice virtues to write on the website. These core principles guide us everyday as we make decisions and work within our business. 

Transparency: We want you to know what we know, and if we don’t know something, we want you to know that too. We want you to know how we operate and why. Business often uses smoke and mirrors, and we want to show that it doesn’t have to.

Quality: We seek excellence in all that we do. Sometimes this means choosing the harder path, but we know that our business functions as the end of a long supply chain. We honor all of the work done by our suppliers by delivering their products to the best of our abilities day in and day out. 

Community: We are working with coffee, a globalized product, and so when we think of community, we’re visualizing it on many scales. We’re building relationships to support and respond to our local economy, but are also working with our importer, exporter, and producer partners to establish long term, reciprocal relationships. When we’re making business decisions, we want to consider our role in fellowship with others.

Sustainability: Economic growth isn’t always good, and can happen at the expense of humans and the environment. We recognize that our business decisions result in impacts that resonate beyond our own backyard. We aspire to identify problematic impacts and use our power, resources, and abilities to meaningfully address them.