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Colombia, Los Guacharos
Colombia, Los Guacharos
Colombia, Los Guacharos
Colombia, Los Guacharos
Colombia, Los Guacharos

Colombia, Los Guacharos

$26.00 USD


Los Guacharos is a community lot of coffees from several different small farms and their producers, all located in Bruselas, just outside of Pitalito,Huila, Colombia. All are members of the Guacharos coffee community.

Nelson Rodrigues
Viviana Realpe
Albeiro Calambas
Ines Parafan
Luz Dary Polo
Beto Narvaez
Jose Uribe Lasso

28% of this particular lot is coming from Jose Uribe Lasso. Jose and his sons are known for experimental and progressive styles of coffee processing, embracing anaerobic fermentation. Their influence has spread to other members of the community, as most of the other coffee producers involved in this lot are also using anaerobic methods of fermentation.

This coffee consists of Castillo, Caturra, Veridad Colombia, and Tabi varieties.